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Emirates Marine Environment
Welcome to Emirates Marine Environmental Group- the UAE's first environmental group that focuses on protecting marine life in the Emirates.
Major Ali Al Suweidi
Founder and CEO of EMEG
Major Ali Saqr Sultan Al Suweidi founded Emirates Marine Environmental Group in 1996 and is currently the CEO of the non-profit organization as well as the Secretary of the Board of Directors at Emirates Nature-WWF. Born in 1957, Major Ali Al Suweidi has been passionate about the ocean and all that it encompasses since the age of 5. Today, he is in charge of protecting a 2,000-hectare area comprising of coral reefs, mangroves, seagrass beds and the last natural beach in Dubai.

The Team

Dr. Tiffany Claire Delport
Masoud Mahmood

Phone number: +971 50 370 3597
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